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iPad Setup Instructions

Start Here to Setup Your iPad

  1. Press Home Button from the Hello screen or Swipe the screen. 
  2. Select Language: English and Country: United States and Continue. 
  3. Quick Start: Click Set Up without another device. 
  4. Choose your Wifi Network, (tsdusers is our in-district network). enter Username/Password and press join; Click Trust, if prompted. 
  5. Remote Management: Click enroll this iPad, enter District Email/Password
  6. Stay signed in? Click on don’t show this again and yes.
  7. Wait for configuring iPad. 
  8. Apple ID enter District Email, click Next, then enter Password and Next again. 9. Click blue button: Enable Location Services.
  9. Your apps will appear. Click on Manager, Schoology, OneDrive, and Email.
  10. Continue to Email Setup Instructions.

Email Setup Instructions

  1. Click on the blue Mail App. 

  2. Choose Microsoft Exchange. 
  3. Type your District Email Address Click Next, sign in and continue. 
  4. Enter your password .
  5. Click Save. 
  6. Select Protect Mail Activity, then Continue and Allow. 
  7. Continue to Apple ID Setup Instructions.


Apple ID Setup Instructions

  1. Open Settings. 

  2. Click Apple ID/iCloud. 
  3. Sign in manually .
  4. Type your district Email and continue. 
  5. Type your password then sign in. 
  6. Stay signed in? Click on don’t show this again and yes.
  7. Continue to Manager Setup Instructions.

Manager Setup Instructions

  1. Click on Manager App. 

  2. If you do not see a code, see your Building Tech or contact Help Desk (248) 823-5092. 
  3. Click OK through all pop-ups. 
  4. Choose Allow while using app. 
  5. Click Sign in. 
  6. Enter Password. 
  7. Continue to Schoology Setup Instructions.

Schoology Setup Instructions

  1. Click on the Schoology App.

  2. Select Sign in through my school. 
  3. Select school: type Troy and select Troy School District from the list. 
  4. Go to SSO. 
  5. Enter District Email and Password.
  6. Click sign in and YES. 
  7. Verify and click approve /allow. 
  8. Continue to OneDrive Setup.

OneDrive Setup Instructions

  1. Click on the OneDrive App. 

  2. Sign in type your District Email Address; Click on blue button. 
  3. Enter your District Password, and sign in. 
  4. Click on Get Notifications and then allow. 

iPad Care Instructions

iPads should be cared for by students and kept in good condition to be reused for other students once they are turned in. Consider this your digital textbook, the same rules apply, no writing in/on, physical damage, or stickers.  Normal wear and tear is expected.  Here are a few reminders:

  • No stickers
  • No writing on the case with marker or pen
  • Take care of the keyboard, no pulling keys off or poking holes; do not use highlighter on key numbers
  • No food near or on iPad.  If there are spills, wipe them up quickly.  Take it to your building tech to remove it from case and clean around the ports.
  • Do not stick items in charging ports other than the charging cable.
  • Keep iPad screen covered when not in use.
  • Keep iPad case and screen clean of debris.
  • Make sure your iPad is in a secure spot in your backpack away from cleats or other pointy objects that can break the screen. (it doesn't take much pressure from an object on the screen to break it).  Cheap neoprene sleeves from 5-below or the dollar store are great to protect the iPad in the backpack.
  • NEVER remove your iPad from the case.  See a building tech or IT professional at tech services for assistance.

Reminder to purchase your iPad Insurance.  Purchase window opens August 21, 2024 and closes October 31, 2024!

iPad Insurance Instructions

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