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Password Reset


Lorem Ipsum Dolor

How to Create a STRONG Password

How do I create a strong password?  The longer your password is the more secure it will be. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) suggests keeping passwords simple, long, and memorable by putting together a combination of words and numbers that only you would know, e.g., MydogRover!=Love. To safeguard your account, do not use this password on other, non Troy School District sites and never send, share, give your password to other students, or write it down on notebooks, sticky notes, saved on your iPad screen or in a location that others can see.

Elementary Grades K-5

If you don't know your password, can't remember or are new to the district your parents can see your original password in PowerSchool.  If you've ever changed your password to something other than what is displayed in PowerSchool and can't remember, it will not update under the student information in PowerSchool - you will have to contact Troy Tech Services. 

This password is considered your "District Password" and is used to log into Schoology, Microsoft, and Apple ID, etc...

All password resets for students in grades Kindergarten through fifth grade should contact their Building Computer Technician as a first step, during the school day or Troy Technology Services.  Password resets can take up to 30 minutes to sync all systems.

Troy Tech Services:  (248) 823-5092
Leave a voicemail after hours and your call will be returned the next business day. 

Secondary Grades 6-12 & Staff

Current students in grades six through twelve have unique passwords.  New students, in all grades can find their initial password combination in PowerSchool.  Sixth grade students are required to reset their password upon entering middle school.  Staff can also use this How To sheet to reset their password as well.

If you don't know your password or can't remember, you have 3 options for password reset:

  1. If you know your password and need to reset oce entering 6th grade:  Follow the PASSWORD RESET HOW TO SHEET.
  2. See your Building Computer Technician during the school day to reset your password.
  3. Contact Troy Tech Services.

This password is considered your "District Password" and is used to log into Schoology, Microsoft, and Apple ID, etc...  Password resets can take up to 30 minutes to sync all systems.

Safe and secure passwords should be 8 or more characters, include an upper case letter, lower case letter, number and symbol.