Employee Services
The Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources oversees current and prospective employee hiring, administration, recruitment, employee benefits, negotiations, worker compensation and all other areas of personnel.
Our department's main goals are to...
Hire talented faculty, administration, and staff who are committed and passionate about growing young minds through a world class education.
Attract Michigan's most dynamic educators to the Troy School District.
Promote an empowering and supportive academic environment that encourages strength of heart, mind, will, and body. We are proud to say that we have a very low faculty turnover rate, and are among the few public school districts in Michigan that offer competitive employment.
John Pagel
Assistant Superintendent Employee Services
Join the Team!
Looking to apply for a position as a Substitutes, Student Support Aide, Secretary, Administrator, Teacher, Noon Aide or IT Professional? Visit our JOB OPPORTUNITIES button and search the many OPEN positions to see if one is right for you.
Statements & Intranet
IRS No Longer Requires Form 1095-C for ACA Reporting
Contact Information
In Need of Help? We're here for you!
For questions regarding qualifications, employment verification or application procedures, please contact us directly.
Troy School District Administration Center | 4400 Livernois | Troy, MI 48098 | 248.823.4000 | Fax: 248.823.4013
Hours of Operations:
Monday-Friday | 8:00 am - 4:00 pm