Title: Middle School Math Programing
Subtitle: ALL CURRENT Math 7 Students
This Spring, families with students currently enrolled in Math 7 will have the opportunity to select their student’s next math course, Math 8 or Honors Algebra 1.
In preparation for that decision, please consider the following information.
What is the difference between Math 8
and Honors Algebra 1?
Math 8 provides students with a foundational framework around linear relationships through exploration of constant and non-constant rates of change. In this problem-based course students develop connections between mathematical representations through physical models. Students also continue the exploration of geometric representations and concepts. This course
provides a pivotal bridge for students from the physical to the symbolic representations of Algebra 1.
Honors Algebra 1 is an accelerated course that
incorporates the essential Math 8 standards with
Algebra 1 content. This course establishes linear,
exponential, and quadratic function families through
generalizations of key characteristics. Students develop algebraic generalizations and e⁄iciency in
problem-solving. Essential Math 8 content includes
work with geometry in similarity, congruence,
Pythagorean theorem and volume. Algebra 1 is a high school course and, as such, this grade will appear on students’ high school transcripts.
Please visit our website for more information
about these courses.
Subtitle: Middle School Math Sequence
6TH GRADE = Math 6
7TH GRADE = Math 7
8TH GRADE = Math 8 or Honors Algebra 1
At the end of Math 7, students and families will select Math 8 or Honors Algebra 1. No test out is required.
Subtitle: Spring Math 8 and Honors Algebra 1
Family Information Night
Dr. Ted Coe will join us in early Spring to discuss the mathematical ways of thinking and doing that take place in Math 8 and in Algebra 1. We will consider the differences between these courses and how they align to your student’s needs and goals. Dr. Coe works to promote high-quality mathematical experiences for all and collaborates with school districts, states, and universities around the nation. He is passionate about mathematics teaching and learning and draws on more than 25 years of experience. More information about this event will be communicated via email and posted on our website.
Page 2
Image: Gearbox with numbers from 1 to 6 with headings (explained below)
- Gear: Start
- Gear 1: NOW - Determine student's goals and interests.
- Gear 2: ONGOING - Review student data (MSTEP, GRADES, NWEA, TEACHER FEEDBACK).
- Gear 3: EARLY SPRING - Learn more about the two courses at family information night and on our website.
- Gear 4: SPRING - Students take the Algebra Readiness exam and receive feedback.
- Gear 5: REFLECT - Reflect with students.
- Gear 6: MARCH/APRIL - Student selects course during scheduling.
Subtitle: What might I consider as I make this decision with my student and family?
What are your student’s goals and interests when it comes to mathematics? How does your student approach problem-solving? How does your student perform numerical calculations and estimation? Does your student enjoy his/her math class and math in general?
What data points might I consider as I make this decision with my student and family?
Some data points to consider include:
- Standardized test scores such as MSTEP and NWEA1 .
- Grades in current and past math classes.
- Interest and goals in mathematics.
- Algebra 1 Readiness assessment - taken in the Spring prior to scheduling by all students in their Math 7 class.
- You will receive a report with detailed information about your students readiness for Algebra 1.
How will I communicate my family’s choice with
our school?
In March/April middle schools will begin scheduling students for the upcoming school year. During this time, you will communicate your course choice.
Still have questions? No problem!
Please visit our website or reach out to your student’s math teacher, middle school counselor, or the building principal with any additional questions. We are happy to help!
1 NWEA is a norm referenced assessment that all Math 7 students will take
one or two times this school year. Individual student reports will be sent to
families via email.
Title What math classes might my student take in high school?
Subtitle: High School Math Sequences 1
- Algebra 1 to Geometry to Algebra 2 to Math Elective
- Algebra 1 to Geometry to Algebra 2 to Pre Calc to Calculus AB
- Algebra 1 to Geometry to Algebra 2A to Algebra 2B to Math Elective
Math Electives:
Subtitle: High School Math Sequences 2
- Honors Algebra 1 to Honors Geometry to Honors Algebra 2 to Math Electives to Mth Electives/Honors Pre-Calculus
- Honors Algebra 1 to Honors Geometry to Honors Algebra 2 to Honors Pre-Calculus to Calc AB to Math Electives
- Honors Algebra 1 to Honors Geometry to Honors Algebra 2 to Honors Pre-Calculus to Math Electives
- Honors Algebra 1 to Honors Geometry to Honors Algebra 2 to Honors Pre-Calculus to Calc BC to either Calculus 3/Linear Algebra or Math Electives