Math Test-Out Acceleration
Secondary Math Test-Out
Math Test-out takes place every year in April (location and dates are posted in February).
Date: Saturday - April 26, 2025
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Location: TBD
To register for test-out follow the steps below:
Log into PowerSchool with the button below (web version only).
PowerSchool Parent Portal Login
Click the Icon Forms from the Left Menu in PowerSchool, then open the form Waiving a Math Course ThroughTesting-Out. (Form will open on Monday, February 17 through Friday, March 28.)
Math 6 Test-Out
Math 6 Test-out takes place every year in May (at student's elementary building) & August (at an assigned district location). Specific dates and times are updated in March.
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: TBD
To register for test-out follow the steps below:
Log into PowerSchool with the button below (web version only).
PowerSchool Parent Portal Login
Click the Icon Forms from the Left Menu in PowerSchool, then open the form Math 6 Test-Out. (This form is not yet open.)
Test-Out Sign Up & Resources
Elementary Advanced Grade Placement
Current 5th Grade Students
Families that feel their student's math goals may be best met in Math 7 may enroll in an optional exam. The Math 6 test-out exam will cover all the Math 6 content and math practice standards. Students who demonstrate mastery of Math 6 are enrolled in Math 7. Students will have the opportunity to take this optional assessment in late May at their buildings and will receive feedback, in terms of standards mastered. This assessment will also be offered in August before the start of middle school.
Current 4th Grade Students
Elementary test out is considered for all fourth grade students. Students may qualify for optional Grade 5 math test-out based on all of the following requirements:
- Meet 95% qualifying score on the Spring Grade 4 TSD Math Benchmark Assessment (In the past, scores as high as 100% have been required to be eligible to take the Grade 5 AGP test-out exam)
- The Grade 5 AGP test-out exam information and date will be sent to students who exceed the Spring Grade 4 TSD Math Benchmark Assessment.
- Grade 5 AGP test-out exam will be administered during the school day in late May.
- This two part exam includes questions that cover grade 5 Michigan State Standards for math. Part 1 is multiple choice, and Part 2 consists of problem solving questions where student must show and explain their work.
- Students must earn > 90% on Part 1 and Part 2 of the Grade 5 AGP exam for the opportunity to take the Grade 6 mathematics at their home middle school as a fifth grade student.