English Language Arts 6-12
In the Troy School District, we believe that a quality language arts education can help expand opportunities for all students.
Through units of study, Troy ELA students will be widely and explicitly immersed in books to support growth in academic language and concepts, along with support in growing social-emotional skills, empathy, community, critical lenses, growth-mindset, and more. (TCRWP, In Defense of Balanced Literacy, January 2020).
Responsive Classroom
- Regular feedback from teacher and peers
- Decisions guided by formative information
- Students become agents for their learning
- Methods enable students to discover
- Consistent routines for instruction
- Daily modeling of desired strategies
- Strategy-based instruction
- Understand reading and writing progressions
Authentic Literacy
- Student choice of topic (writing), text (reading)
- Write and read for real purposes
- Write and read for real audiences
- Progress celebrated regularly
- Opportunities to be innovative
- Process valued over product
- Protected time for reading and writing
Curriculum Information: Grades 6-12
Research Teams
The 9th Grade Piloting Team includes four ELA teachers from both high schools. The Literacy Coaches from Athens High School and Troy High School are a part of that group. They are supporting teachers through co-planning, co-teaching, modeling, prepping materials, gathering pilot data, and reflecting with teachers and students. Teachers have access to attend cross district planning and collaboration time prior to each new unit, and teacher groups visit and observe pilot classrooms in action throughout district classrooms. All 9th grade teachers have experienced job embedded professional development with our Columbia University partner from Teachers College.