Grade 2 Curriculum
Welcome to Grade 2:
In the Troy School District, we believe that a quality education can help expand opportunities for all students.
Troy School District offers each student a World Class education and opportunities to attain his or her personal best. TSD embraces deep learning, character development & thoughtfulness, athletic achievement, and artistic exploration through the fine arts. Students are encouraged to pursue their passions from early childhood through career.
Grades: Return to K-5 Overview
Academic Subjects & Specials - Grade 2
Media Center
Second graders practice their alphabetical order by arranging books and materials according the letters on the spine. They are introduced to dictionaries and thesauri as they begin to explore a variety of reference tools. Non-fiction books are excellent resources for second grade research for science and social studies, so these students begin to discover how to find these books on the shelves. They continue reading various genre of literature to foster their appreciation of stories, folk tales and poetry. They read and evaluate Caldecott medal winners to discover different methods of illustrating books.
Destiny Discover Library CatalogĀ
Language Arts
K-2 Philosophy:
All students learn from a balanced approach to literacy, one that includes a responsive approach to the teaching of reading, writing, and phonics. Students learn to self-assess, set goals, work with partners, and receive and apply feedback. Students learn to use the writing process to write for real purposes and audiences, write the kinds of texts that they see in the world, and to put meaning onto the page. Students develop their oral language, write daily, and create pieces of writing across the genres of narrative, informational, and opinion.
As readers, students engage deeply with texts by having daily opportunities to read high-interest, accessible books independently, in partnerships, small groups, and book clubs. They start off learning foundational skills such as concepts of print, phonemic awareness, phonics, and story language to reading with greater independence using reading strategies to read with more accuracy, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary development. Students have access to increasingly complex texts appropriate for their grade level. This starts with read-aloud and shared reading texts in kindergarten and first grade and moves toward independent reading of complex texts by second grade.
Phonics is a daily component of balanced literacy that focuses on phonemic awareness, features of phonics, high-frequency words, spelling, and vocabulary. Students have many opportunities to transfer phonics learning to their daily reading and writing work.
Authentic Literacy
- Student choice of topic (writing), text (reading)
- Write and read for real purposes
- Write and read for real audiences
- Progress celebrated regularly
- Opportunities to be innovative
- Process valued over product
- Protected time for reading and writing
Second Grade ELA Program
Reading Units
In second grade, children move from a “little-kid” focus on print to a “big-kid” focus on meaning. Second-Grade Reading Growth Spurt, teaches children to take charge of their reading, drawing on everything they know to figure out hard words, understand author’s craft, and build big ideas about the books they read. Children learn that books can be their teachers in Becoming Experts: Reading Nonfiction, in which they learn more about familiar topics and grow understanding of new topics while working on word solving, vocabulary development, and comparing and contrasting information across texts. In Bigger Books Mean Amping Up Reading Power, children learn strategies to build three foundational reading skills—fluency, understanding figurative language, and comprehension. In Series Book Clubs, children work within book clubs to study author’s craft to understand ways authors use word choice, figurative language, punctuation, and even patterns to construct a series and evoke feelings in readers.
(Excerpt from
2nd Grade Reading Units:
- Second Grade Reading Growth Spurts
- Becoming Experts: Reading Nonfiction
- Growing Word Solving Muscles
- Bigger Books Mean Amping Up Reading Power
- Series Book Clubs
Writing Units
The Second-Grade units invite second-graders into author studies that help them craft powerful true stories, non-fiction, and finally, into some very grown-up writing about reading. Across the writing genres, children learn to understand—and apply to their own writing—techniques they discover in the work of published authors. In Lessons from the Masters: Improving Narrative Writing students learn how to create engaging narratives by stretching out small moments and writing in detail. How-To Guide for Nonfiction Writing has students write about areas of expertise, read mentor texts to study nonfiction writers craft, elaborate, write for readers, anticipate their questions and hooking their interest, and experiment with different kinds of nonfiction writing. Writing About Reading has students read closely and gather evidence from texts to craft persuasive arguments. Poetry: Big Thoughts in Small Packages helps children explore and savor language. Students learn to use line breaks to express the meaning and rhythm they intend and use visualization and figures of speech to make their writing more clear and powerful.
(Excerpt from
2nd Grade Writing Units:
- Lessons From the Masters: Improving Narrative Writing
- How to Guide to Nonfiction Writing
- Poetry: Big Thoughts in Small Packages
- From Scenes to Series
- Writing About Reading
Phonics Units
The Second-Grade units provide an instructional pathway in phonics, introduces high-leverage phonics concepts and strategies in a way that keeps pace with students’ reading and writing and helps them understand when, how, and why they can use phonics to read and write. Growing into Second-Grade Phonics focuses on knowledge about words and spelling, revisits the long list of phonics principles that students learned in kindergarten and first grade, and then gives particular attention to silent E, long vowels, vowel teams, and R-controlled vowels. The unit also introduce the tricky concept of homophones and shows students that reading and writing part by part is more efficient than reading and writing letter by letter. Big Words Take Big Resolve: Tackling Multisyllabic Words focuses on longer, more complex words teaching several strategies for decoding multisyllabic words—working methodically from left to right, breaking words into syllables, breaking off inflected endings. Word Builders: Construction, Demolition, and Vowel Power helps all children develop a repertoire of skills for tackling complex, multisyllabic words with confidence. In Word Collectors focuses on listening to, talking with, reading and writing of language in playful and constructive ways.
(Excerpt from
2nd Grade Phonics Units:
- Growing into 2nd Grade Phonics
- Big Words Take Big Resolve: Tackling Multisyllabic Words
- Word Builders: Construction, Demolition, and Vowel Power
- Word Collectors
Second graders focus on thinking and communicating mathematically. The children have real-life math experiences in order to practice problem solving and build a true understanding of the mathematical concepts they need. Hands-on activities and math games are used to review and learn extended addition and subtraction facts. Students spend time sharing the strategies they used to solve mental math problems. They learn that there are a variety of ways to get the same answer. Students become familiar with arrays, which serve as the foundation for multiplication and division fact families.
Money becomes a basis for many math skills in second grade. Students are expected to know the values of coins and the exchange value among U.S. coins. The calculator is used for entering and computing money amounts. Graphing, calendar skills, geometry concepts, and telling time are taught throughout the year. As with the other grade levels, parent involvement with Home Links is an important part of the program.
- develop deep mathematical understandings
- understand and critique the world through mathematics
- experience the wonder, joy, and beauty of mathematics
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
- Model with mathematics
- Use appropriate tools strategically
- Attend to precision
- Look for and make use of structure
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Math Standards & Grade Level Topics
Michigan Math Standards
The Michigan Math Standards call for a balance between procedural knowledge and conceptual understanding. The K-12 Standards for Mathematical Practice, shown below, are types of student expertise developed progressively in each grade-level course.
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
- Model with mathematics.
- Use appropriate tools strategically.
- Attend to precision.
- Look for and make use of structure.
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Grade Level Math Topics
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
Add and subtract within 20.
Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication. Understand place value.
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.
Measure and estimate lengths in standard units. Relate addition and subtraction to length.
Work with time and money.
Represent and interpret data.
Reason with shapes and their attributes.
Students in kindergarten through fifth grade begin to develop an understanding of the four disciplinary core ideas: physical sciences; life sciences; earth and space sciences; and engineering, technology, and applications of science. In the earlier grades, students begin by recognizing patterns and formulating answers to questions about the world around them. By the end of fifth grade, students are able to demonstrate grade-appropriate proficiency in gathering, describing, and using information about the natural and designed world(s).
Changing Earth Over Time
Structure & Properties of Matter
Physical SCIENCE
Plant & Animal Relationships
Social Studies
The social studies curriculum in second grade focuses on the concept of community and includes an in depth study of Troy, past and present. Through interactive experiences, students gain knowledge about their community’s history, government, economics, and geography, while learning problem solving and study skills. Students compare their own community with others around the country and world, discovering similarities and differences. Second grade students continue to explore the core democratic values.
2nd Grade Curriculum
Unit 1: Civics
Unit 2: History & Geography
Unit 2: History & Geography
- History of Troy Community
- Chronological Thinking
- Different Perspectives in History
- Troy Community Change Over Time
- Troy Community Maps Through Time
- Spatial Organization of Troy
- Physical & Human Characteristics of Troy
- Community Land Use
- City of Troy Culture & Diversity
- Interacting and Preserving Troy’s Environment
Unit 3: Economics
Social Studies Standards & Resources
Michigan Open Book Project & Sequence Chart
Second Grade: Community Studies
Social Studies Sequence Chart
Accessible Text for Social Studies and Science Sequence Grades K-5 Chart
Column 1 Title: *Social Studies Unit 1
- Civics
- Rules, Fairness, Resolving Conflict
- Civics1
- Rules, Values, & Civic Participation
- Civics
- Purpose, Values, & Structure of Local Government
- Civics
- Natural Disasters
- Civics
- National, State, & Local Structures of Government
- The Atlantic World to 1620
- Earth Science/ Geography Social Studies
- Weather
- Earth Science
- Space Systems
- Earth Changes
- Earth Science
- Weather & Climate
- Earth Science & Geography
- Processes That Shape Earth
- Earth Systems
- History
- Recognizing The Past
- History / Geo
- Families & Schools
- History / Geography
- City of Troy
- Geography
- Michigan Roads & Infrastructure
- History
- Michigan Beyond Statehood
- The Colonies
- 1620-1763
- Physical Science
- Push & Pull
- Physical Science
- Light & Sound
- Physical Science
- Matter
- Physical Science
- Forces & Interactions
- Physical Science
- Energy & Waves (Cause & Effect)
- Physical Science
- Properties of Matter
- Economics
- Needs & Wants
- Economics
- Needs, Wants, & Choices
- Economics
- Business Community & Consumers
- History & Economics
- Road To Statehood
- Economics & Geography
- Michigan Markets & Migration
- American Revolution
- 1763-1800
- Life Science
- Plants & Animals
- Life Science
- Structures & Function
- Life Science
- Plant & Animal Relationships
- Life Science
- Life Cycle & Ecosystems
- Life Science
- Structure, Function & Information Processing
- Life Science
- Matter in Ecosystems
Kindergarten = Me & My World
1st Grade = Me & My School Community
2nd Grade = Our Troy Community
3rd Grade = Michigan History to 1837
4th Grade = Michigan History from 1837 / United States
5th Grade = U.S. Origin Story (Exploration & Settlement / Colonial Development / American Revolution)
* First 10 Civics lessons in all grade levels includes a focus on Culturally Responsive Read Alouds, Identity, and Community Belonging
Visual Arts
In second grade the elements and principles of art are reviewed, utilized, and expanded upon as students develop their knowledge of vocabulary, art production, appreciation, and critical judgment. Through a variety of activities and artistic media, students learn to compare and contrast different art styles, differentiate between cultural art forms, and distinguish between historical periods. Second graders further demonstrate their understanding by creating quality works of art, utilizing a variety of materials and techniques to express themselves.
Physical Education
Students go to Physical Education class for 35 minutes twice a week. Students continue to work with their Gross Motor skills, spatial awareness, and coordination. They will explore the principles of eye, hand, and foot coordination through a variety of activities. Students continue to develop traditional team sports based skills through culminating activities and game play. They will be assessed in certain skills throughout the year. Students will develop positive characteristics and attitudes, a sense of fair play, teamwork concepts, and cooperation with others. At this level, there is an increased emphasis on cardiopulmonary fitness, muscular strength, flexibility and coordination through the T.R.O.Y. Fitness Program. Students are assessed twice a year in Continuous Jog, Jump Roping, Plank, Sit and Reach, and Flex-arm Hang. Every student will have a personal fitness log that they will set goals for themselves in each of the fitness tests. After every assessment, student will reevaluate their goals and set new ones.
The English language development program helps ensure learning for all students, specifically students who are multilingual and in the process of acquiring English as an additional language. The ELD specialists provide small group instruction for English language acquisition outside the grade level classroom with frequency based on the students’ unique instructional needs. They also support access to classroom content by pushing into grade level classrooms.
Accessible Text for W.I.D.A Guiding Principles of Language Development Flyer
- Multilingual learners’ languages and cultures are valuable resources to be leveraged for schooling and classroom life; leveraging these assets and challenging biases help develop multilingual learners’ independence and encourage their agency in learning (Little, Dam, & Legenhausen, 2017; Moll, Amanti, Neff, & González, 1992; Nieto & Bode, 2018; Perley, 2011).
- Multilingual learners’ development of multiple languages enhances their knowledge and cultural bases, their intellectual capacities, and their flexibility in language use (Arellano, Liu, Stoker, & Slama, 2018; Escamilla, Hopewell, Butvilofsky, Sparrow, Soltero-González, Ruiz-Figueroa, & Escamilla, 2013; Genesee, n.d.; Potowski, 2007).
- Multilingual learners’ language development and learning occur over time through meaningful engagement in activities that are valued in their homes, schools and communities (Engeström, 2009; Larsen-Freeman, 2018; van Lier, 2008; Wen, 2008).
- Multilingual learners’ language, social-emotional, and cognitive development are inter- related processes that contribute to their success in school and beyond (Aldana & Mayer, 2014; Barac & Bialystok, 2012; Gándara, 2015; Sánchez-López & Young, 2018).
- Multilingual learners use and develop language when opportunities for learning take into account their individual experiences, characteristics, abilities, and levels of language proficiency (Gibbons, 2002; Swain, Kinnear, & Steinman, 2015; TESOL International Association, 2018; Vygotsky, 1978).
- Multilingual learners use and develop language through activities which intentionally integrate multiple modalities, including oral, written, visual, and kinesthetic modes of communication (Choi & Yi, 2015; Jewitt, 2008; van Lier, 2006; Zwiers & Crawford, 2011).
- Multilingual learners use and develop language to interpret and access information, ideas, and concepts from a variety of sources, including real-life objects, models, representations, and multimodal texts (Ajayl, 2009; Cope & Kalantzis, 2009; Jewitt, 2009; Kervin & Derewianka, 2011).
- Multilingual learners draw on their metacognitive, metalinguistic, and metacultural awareness to develop effectiveness in language use (Bialystok & Barac, 2012; Casey & Ridgeway-Gillis, 2011; Gottlieb & Castro, 2017; Jung, 2013).
- Multilingual learners use their full linguistic repertoire, including translanguaging practices, to enrich their language development and learning (García, Johnson, & Seltzer, 2017; Hornberger & Link, 2012; Wei, 2018).
- Multilingual learners use and develop language to interpret and present different perspectives, build awareness of relationships, and affirm their identities (Cummins, 2001; Esteban-Guitart & Moll, 2014; May, 2013, Nieto, 2010).
Multilingual learners refers to all children and youth who are, or have been, consistently exposed to multiple languages. It includes students known as English language learners (ELLs) or dual language learners (DLLs); heritage language learners; and students who speak varieties of English or indigenous languages.