Math Program Review: Grades K-8

The Troy School District Mathematics Department believes all students are doers of mathematics


Our Troy School District K-8 mathematics program is currently under review, as part of our normal cycle of review and adoption. We believe all students are doers of mathematics. We believe that the purpose of our mathematics program is to cultivate students’ positive mathematical identities so that all students - develop deep mathematical understandings; learn to understand and critique the world through mathematics; and experience the wonder, joy, and beauty of mathematics.
NCTM (2020). Catalyzing Change in Early Childhood and Elementary Mathematics and Catalyzing Change in Middle School Mathematics

First page of the PDF file: 02.09.24_Elementary and Middle School_Curriculum_Review_Cycle_Infographic_with red location indic

Updated 02.09.24

Research Teams

The Early Adopter Elementary Team includes representatives from all grade-levels and schools. The elementary math specialists at each building are supporting teachers through co-planning, co-teaching, modeling, prepping materials, gathering, and reflecting with teachers and students. Teachers have access to attend cross district planning and collaboration time prior to each new unit, and teacher groups visit and observe early adopter classrooms in action through in and out of district classrooms.

The middle school piloting team consists of math teachers in grades 6 through 8 who represent all four buildings. The middle school math specialists at each building are supporting piloting teachers by co-planning and co-teaching, as well as reflecting with teachers and gathering pilot data.

First page of the PDF file: Elementary_Math_Timeline_Infographic_New_Feb_2023

First page of the PDF file: Middle_School_Math_Timeline_Infographic_New_Feb_2023

First page of the PDF file: Current_and_proposed_Middle_School_Math_Sequence_Infographic_Updated 03.01.24